Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Picture of Reality - Fourier Series Equivalent of 12-D Gyroscope

We will take these hypothesis of the Reality based on our knowledge base built so far, and try to come up with the Picture of Reality that also satisfies Physical Laws known till now:

(1) It is most Symmetrical

(2) It is Static Yet Dynamic

(3) It moves yet does not move

If we take Sphere, we would take this as a most symmetrical shape. But I would show that it is not a perfect symmetry. We would do this experiment. We would imagine a traveler on a infinitesly small sphere, and he not knowing if going left or right is wrong, and going diametrically across would land him on the same spot. So our imaginary traveller turns "clockwise" and "anti clock wise".  This in effect would keep the Spin to zero!

We would notice that a traveller following such rule would start from North Pole and arrive back at North Pole but would have only covered 1/2 of the Total Surface Area.  This is the problem of Double Cover which often manifests in Nature and in Physics.

We all know we live in 3D world but it could be imagined as an overloaded world of more than 3D Dimensions!  We know the subtlest is Light and its propagation is interaction of Electric and Magnetic Field over Space, which is actually not a Geometric space but an Ethereal Space.  These interactions are nothings but Faraday's and Ampere's Law in works - or Maxwell Equations expressing themselves.

So Electric and Magnetic Field are very important aspects of the Reality. We also know Science is unable to account for Dark Energy (and Dark Matter).  The Dark Energy pervades like Space, and this is why we need to have the notion of Ethereal Space manifesting itself over Geometrical Space.  The Ethereal Space is Dark Energy pervasive over its Space.

Now imagine at Planck's Unit Distance levels, a Sphere of Ethereal Sphere, Magnetic Sphere and Electric Sphere overlapping and interconnected like a Gyroscope.  You move one Sphere, the other Spheres move to compensate this motion.  This is in the essence of Faraday's and Ampere's Laws.

So on this overlapping Sphere, which are like 3 intermingled layers of Spheres, if one Sphere moves from point A to B, the second sphere would move from point B to C, and the third Sphere would move from point C to point A.  This disturbance would be at the Planck level - to the extent it can absorb the disturbance or else it would be propagated to neighboring Spheres.

So no matter how small, there would be a trace of Spherical Triangular patch called ABC, which would be instantaneously traced - faster than speed of Light.  But there would be another Sphere, the Radical Geometric Sphere, the Pure Space, which would have to adjust radially to Limit the ABC triangular patch into a Point!

This is the Fourier Series Equivalent of a 2 x 3D x 3D x 3D x 3D Reality at Planck's level from where all Manifestation appears to start.

The most subtlest is the emission of Photon and Neutrino - when this unit of Reality is disturbed beyond  Planck's quantum of energy.

Weaving of Matter From Photons

The most subtlest energy we perceive is Light and Photons.  Yet we do not perceive the complete EMF spectrum as our senses are not developed to the whole range of the EMF.  Science does not spend much time explaining how the photon travels across "vacuum" space and confused about the duality of it being wave or particle!

Light behaves like Wave when Dual Slit Experiments are done and using Wave Mechanics all the Bar-Code like Interference patterns can be described.  But the moment when a Light or Photon Detector is put next to the  slits, it behaves like a Particle!  It just shows that a presence of a matter based object modifies some kind of Space-Time around the slits which precipitates Waves into Particles!  The very act of measurement modifies the measured!!  This points to something we do not understand in conventional science.  The closest science comes to acknowledging this is Dark Matter and Dark Energy!

In last 3 years, my quest of Truth led to establishing that Electrons and Positrons are nothing but Photon caught up in Space-Time constraint in disturbance of High Energy.  It does not violate any Science of Standard Model and annihilation of Positron and Electron into 2 Photons and absorption of Electron by Nucleus (and hence Proton or Positron) producing Gama Rays just confirms this observation, and not discussed in current Science.

This is one of the combinations where "E" Field dominates radially inward or outward, and the "M" field points to Polar Directions, creating N-S-S-N or S-N-N-S kind of Positron (Anti Electron) or Electron configurations which gives rise to Spin of 1/2.  Here the Quantum Spin is no more a mystery but shown to be a simple Space-Time weaving artifact of a Electric-Magnetic-Space Frame over a Sphere.

In my book this is more clearer with pictures and if you want access, I can give access to this.  The space is an overloaded word here and it points to two Spaces, one is Ethereal Space, and other is a Geometrical Space.  This Ethereal Space is same as the Science's Dark Energy which is present everywhere but we are blind to it.  We only see its indirect manifestation through phenomena like Light Propagation, Faraday's Law, Ampere's Law and in Atomic Physics - and even Gravity!

So the other combination is where the Etheral Space field is dominant radially and Magnetic Field is still dominant Polar wise.  It leads to weaving of Neutrinos and we still have Spin of 1/2.  This was part of the discovery of my journey some 3 years back.  If you take the opposite direction of Ethereal Space field, one would get the Anti Neutrino.

 I concluded the Reality was 2 x 3D x 3D x 3D x 3D Spheres of Electric, Magnetic, Ethereal Space and Geometric Space super imposed and inter-linked like a Gyroscope at Planck's Level.  This accounts for all the laws of Science and explains the Faraday's and Amperes's Laws - and explains the propagation of  Light, which is covered in my book, which badly needs 2 more chapters but I am sharing the matter here in the blog.  One disturbs one Sphere Field, the other Spheres  move to compensate like a Gyroscope.

I had understood Standard Atomic Model and tried to make progress of this Weaving of Reality further based on my discovery so far and see how this happens.

Protons and Neutrons are nothing but basically Positron and Neutrino where most of their mass is because of the Kinetic Energy of their motion!  And if one notes the Beta or Anti Beta Decay Reactions, one would notice that the Positron/Electron and Neutrino/Anti-Neutrino pairs are always involved, when Protons convert to Neutron and vice-versa.

So my next question was how does one explain the Gluons which are the Standard Model for explaining the Strong Force that binds the Neutron and Protons together into nucleus - in this journey of weaving of Matter Reality from Photonic origins which start their journey from High Energy Space-Time constraints.

I had purposely not addressed the question of Magnetic Mono Poles.  And I had not addressed the question of the 3rd combination where the Magnetic field is radially dominant.  Suddenly it dawned me  that the Gluons (and Anti Gluons) were indeed the Magnetic Mono Poles in existent and created in High Energy Perturbations (of like Big Bang) and their presence was only limited to a very small distances for some reason. These were Spin-1 particles as they were always Unidirectional (unlike the Spin 1/2 which are actually BiDirectional in their interactions with E-M Fields).

The Spin 1/2 particles of Electron, Neutrino and Positron had N-S-S-N or S-N-N-S poles and they would glue to the Spin 1 particle, which is a Magnetic Monopole and having radially M field to attract or repel the Electrons, Positrons and Neutrinos!

So in an ideal sense, one Magnetic Monopole particle, assuming all particles have same size because of Planck's units, there would be at most room for 12 Positron/Neutrino Spheres - 6 in Hexagonal fashion at Equator, 3 over in top of Hexagone and 3 in bottom of the Hexagon but as a reflection in topology of the Top.  This would be the most efficient packing of the 3 kinds of combination of Spheres - one Magnetic, 6 Electric and 6 Ethereal Space.

It is this reason why Carbon-12 is the most efficiently packed Atom and third most abundant Element!  It also explains why 6 Protons and 6 Neutrons are there as Radially E spheres needs to balance out with Radially S spheres while their M point like Polar Regions glue with the Magnetic Mono Pole Sphere in 12 places.

For Standard Model, Gluon is a Psudeo Vector with 8 States.  This is a division of the Spherical Spheres regions into 4 top and 4 bottom quadrants!

This is also confirmed in other Elements, where much stability of the Nucleus (and not Atom) is seen when Neutrons and Protons are in equal numbers!  But this needs more investigation.

For a magnetic mono-pole with opposite sign, would notice an Anti Gluon, and it is the cause of the Weaker Force,  which causes the Radio Active Decays -- the Repulsion of Matter.

So basically our Matter based Universe is floating in dominant field of Ethereal Space, to which we are blind, where Electric Space and Magnetic Space show their presence - and their mono pole versions can not exist simultaneously at the same scales!  Their ratios of influence of distances of these fields follows Tan Pi/2 rule -- or  Infinity / Zero Rule (just take Speed of Light, Magnetic Permeability and Electric Permittance and do combinations of their Ratios and do Arc Tan to find they are approaching Pi/2).

So what is Gravity?  It is a variation of Ehereal Space - or variation of density of Neutrinos in Space between two masses which cause the interaction between two Masses.  All the masses are in presence of their Stars who are always emanating Photons and Neutrinos besides other Atomic Particles.

So all the play of Reality emanates from a 2 x 3D x 3D x 3D x 3D Spheres at Planck's unit levels.