Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Equation of Vaccum of Space at Planck Level

Is there an Equation for the Vacuum of Space at smallest unit of Planck?

This is the Equation of Divine Creation, as from Vacuum everything Comes out, including Photons, Electrons and Positrons (Dynamic Casimir Effect)

Yes according me, it is like this:

[ke.Exyx, [km.Mxyx, kS.Sxyx] + [km.Mxyx, [kS.Sxyx, ke.Exyx] + [kS.Sxyx, [ke.Exyx, km.Mxyx] = 0

This explains a Static 9D and Dynamic 12D - if one takes T as 3D.

[] are Lie Commutator Brackets.[A,B] = AB - BA.

E, M and S are Electric, Magnetic and Space or Dark Energy Field.

ke is Electric Permittivity, km is Magnetic Permeability and ks is the constant related to speed of Light "c" - in terms of it makes the Photon jump by that unit in disturbance of E and M.

How can you imagine this? First imagine a 3D Gyroscope. Then stack 3 of them with different Radias. The different radias are connected with the 3 Constants.

Now project them to unified 1 Unit Sphere. There are 8 Quadrants. When things move in 1 quadrant, 3 circles are moving like Gyroscope.

Over time, the Synchronicity is broken and amplified. And then the Big Bang happens.

There can be many Big Bangs going on and many Verses or Universes.