There are lot of people who keep harping that Modern Science is about: (1) Building a Hypothesis or Theory, (2) Validation of Theory by making a Prediction and Confirming with Observation, (3) Publishing the Result, (4) Presenting in a Conference and (5) Many different collaborating Team replicating the results.
While this works mainly for Macrocosm, Mechanistic and Materialistic world, but starts breaking down in the Microcosm and Non Mechanistic world with many interconnected Fields. This is why the Quantum Mechanics is so hard to understand, and those who say understand, do not understand. It takes a life time to understand.
For example, the Radio Signals are always subject to a lot of interference. Even a reliable digital communication over Radio becomes unreliable. Still with advent of Microscope, Electron Microscope, X-Ray, MRI, Functional MRI, PET MRI or Positron based 3D Tomography, and even Electron based 3D Tomography etc., we have made a lot of progress in peeping into the small word.
But the microscopic effects are subject to things like Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Quantum Entanglements, and Statistics is employed to talk things in Probability. In Statistics we also have the False Positive and Positive False. This is why a same treatment on one patient may not work on another patient, because of so many known and unknown parameters interfering. Now it seems in Physics, the Human Observers are put far away from the experiments and even despite shielding, Human Conciseness has even influenced remote electronic Random Generators,
Like Knowledge can be taught in many means, visual, auditory, tactile and so on, Rationalization may not lead to correct judgement but Intuition may. Truth can also be obtained in many different ways.
Now people are saying that people with Psychosis and Schizophrenia also reach High Level of Consciousness. Many creative geniuses, like Physicists, Mathematicians, Musicians, etc., are from these mental spectrum. In primitive Societies, a Shaman, Saman (note this is a Sanskrit word), Healer, Wise and Spiritual Leader, etc. are also from this spectrum. People like Ramanujan and Sanskrit Panani had out-of-senses perceptions in their dreams which led to creativity. In my own KA, I had some of these.
So I have a question to my esteemed friends. The Atomic Orbitals, "S", "P", "D" and "F" have they been every observed? Do not mix with a recent experiment which falsely claimed that. It was two-band diffraction of the electron orbit S shell and did not match the radius of S.
So who can explain: (1) How did they arrive at these shells? and (2) How did they become so sure without any observation?