Friday, April 29, 2016

Finally Unified - Moment of Eureka!

Moment of Eureka!

Using my theory, I could calculate the Mass of Helium-4 Nuclei (or Alpha Particle) to be 7443.61 (7294.99) Electron Mass.  The Official calculated Mass of He-4 Nuclei is 7349.36 Electron Mass!

Almost a good part of my life went on thinking about Gravity and then learning and thinking about how the Creation Happened. It was part of my chase for Truth! :-) This covered studies in many subjects, including Yoga and Vedanta, besides History, Sanskrit and Scriptures. I was not sure what I was looking for, but surely I was looking everywhere!

So in 2010, I came to this "intuitive" conclusion, using my chance "realizations of 2008", that 2 Proton and 2 Neutron would make the most stable Nucleus!  Stable means it would be also the most abundant!  Voila!!  The Quantum Mechanics says the same thing, except it being the Most Spherical Nucleus with no more explanations!  He-4 Nuclei or Alpha Particle is the most Abundant and Stable Element Nuclei in the Universe!  It is as if if the Material Universe will Freeze either into an Empty Vacuum or Universe Filled up with He-4.  Need more thinking here at Cosmic Scales where I have not spent much time.

I was using my 2008 epiphany and serendipity based chanced discovery - while I was going through another journey of Kundalini Awakening without knowing it. It led to multiple medical issues where team of 5-6 doctors till Stanford level were baffled. I also suffered 2 Heart Attacks and a Nervous Meltdown - so they thought!

While I battled these things, my mind was preoccupied with the search for Truth!  There I remembered, the fact that the Search can lead to Death and Madness, so I had heard.  So I stopped after writing 2 Dairy Books on Gravity and Reality.

In 2008 I was talking about Electrons, Positrons and even Neutrinos being Photon caught in High Energy Space-time Constraint (like 3D Vortex - think what happens to 2D Laminar Flow of Water near Sink Hole where it becomes 2D + 1 D Vortex).

Since 2010, the mind was per-occupied in Idle Loop, to see how the Quark Model can fit in my model.  And last few weeks, while I was developing the mode, this exercise to calculate the Mass of He-4 Nuclei became an interesting exercise.

But more drilling is required, but in my mind, now I can explain all the 4 Force and how the Reality came into being!  I was also working at 9-D Models of Vacuum of Space which led me to believe that at Planck Level it has more Energy than the Universe and has the Archetypes for Memory and Consciousness!

Soon I will begin writing a book which was my goal.

Update 1:

Like Photons, Electrons/Positrons/Neutrinos, Alpha particle or 2N+2P are the building blocks of Nature.  All Heavy Elements, and Crashing Matter (Black Hole, Galaxy, Star, Planet, Satellite Mergers) would produce Atomic Radiations which would have also the Alpha.

The matter accredit-ion or Nucleo Synthesis and Genesis - and De Synthesis and De Genesis - would involve the Alpha Particle or 2N + 2P Unit.

Check on Triple Alpha Process and Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle.

I need to check it out, but I am almost sure, the Noble Gases of Periodicity Steps of Atomic Masses, of 2, 10, 18, and 36 also has to do with the units of 2N + 2P but there will be some sharing, which I need to figure out.

Update 2:

This is what my discovery that 2P + 2N are most Stable and Abundant Units of Nuclei in form of He-4 Nuclei and Alpha Particle is backed up by this observation:

In the Sun, 4He synthesis via branch pp I occurs with a frequency of 86%, pp II with 14% and pp III with 0.11%.

This is what my discovery that 2P + 2N are most Stable and Abundant Units of Nuclei in form of He-4 Nuclei and Alpha Particle also predicts 0 Spin for He-4 Nuclei, which is true.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Towards Source of Mother of All Realties

Bottom line is the Mother of All Realities is the Vacuum of Space! We are lost counting the Waves but the Ocean provides the answer!

 Recently Modern Science says through Meditation, one can alter DNA, change Auto Immune Response, alter Neural Pathways, and even change the outcome of the first experiment of Quantum Physics. So Science is giving in to Consciousness over Matter.

They are also admitting models for Multi-verses and the whole existence being a Holographic. Like your state of Consciousness is different when Awake, Dream State, Deep Sleep State, Silenced State - and even Drugged States.

The whole Quantum Mechanics and Special and General Relativity are Relative Sciences. QM is "interference" crated by Macroscopic Observers with Microscopic World. Relativity is about using Light as communicating device to collaborate Space-Time events. Both lead to non-classical view and generation of new  Worlds Views.

Basically I call it Stack of Relative Realities like Onion Rings and Autonomous Entities of Relative Realities - with potential to interact in a vector of time and lowering of Entropy.  Perhaps the Vector of Time is related to Big Bang where the Total Energy - and Dark Energy - is flowing away, and the rest of the World-Events are caught up like Whirlpools in a River Flow.

My search of Truth over 2 decades led me to this conclusion: the Planck level "Vacuum of Space" has more Energy than this Universe. In my model of Vacuum of Space, I came to 9D Gyroscope. In this sense a 3D Gyroscope can be said to have Memory and Consciousness.

And this unit has the archetype or prototype for Memory and Consciousness. Consciousness should thought as a big spectrum of awareness to observe the external and internal states and interact. 
Nature's 3D Xerox Copier, Cephlapods, which copy the 3D Terrain and Surface of the surrounding, and Tree doing Photosynthesis are all elements of the Stack of Consciousness.

Recent research found Trees communicating with neighbors and alerting of threats. And Life can have different mechanisms of existence, besides O2 and CO2 cycles of Animals and Plants, like life thriving on the Chemical Heat Energy in the deep bottom of the Oceans.

Lamb Effect, Static and Dynamic Casimir Effect show the Vacuum of Space is Not Nothing but Something.

From the apparent "Nothingness of Space" of Michelson Morley Experiment, now QED admits Virtual Photons and Dynamic Casimir admits Virtual Electrons and Positrons.

In the Stack of Realities, like Onion Rings, after the Vacuum of Space, comes the Light/Photon/EMF, and then the sets of Positrons, Electron and even Neutrinos (which is not yet well understood by Science).

In my own Serendipity and Epiphany in my Kundalini Awakening (like what Pinnani and Ramanujam experienced), I concluded Electron, Positron and Neutrino to be nothing by Photon caught up in High Energy Space-Time constraint - like 3D Vortex. This observation - except for Neutrino and Michelson Morley, which has been proven wrong - does not violate any Modern Science.

Point Energies , Singularities, 2D and 3D Vortices are not well understood by Modern Science. This is why Black holes, Hurricanes, Typhoons, etc. overwhelm us. Vortices are nothing but another configuration to satisfy many constraints and equations like in Simplex Problem. One can see this sitting in a Tub and see laminar flows of water becoming circular and rapidy fast towards center before inflecting a orthography