Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Western Scientists are still in the Material Mode. This happens mainly because they are in the Five Sensory Mode. They give dominance to Intellect, Memory, Mind, and Ego. So for them Consciousness is that set of processes that govern all that.

They forget that there is a Consciousness beyond the Body and the Universe, which creates everything, all the Universes, Galaxies, Stars, Suns, Planets and all kinds of life. This they ignore because they take it for granted what they function with.

But when you talk to Yogis, and people who have experienced Out of Body States, Kundalini Awakening, Para Normal Perceptions such as Telepathy, Precognition of Events to unfold, etc, they always believe in the Super Soul as the Prana or Ether Energy that is all over the Space. The same energy within one is the Soul.

People waved off the experiences of people able to document what all they saw and heard during outer body experiences which could not have been seen by patients in the bed with some functional Brain. In my own son, when he lost 40% brain, I had forced the Docs in India to change the protocol, and I proved the doctors that my son was aware of what was going on. The doctor was finally convinced. Cambridge University in 2006 also confirmed this, some 10 years later. In another experiment, a doctor could move the body part, stimulating the same part of the brain, which the person used before to move the same body part, did not know about it. So in one case, there was this person's "Self" moving the body part by triggering the body part, and in another case the machine triggered the body part, and the person did not know. These are the proofs that Consciousness is beyond the brain.

In my search of Truth over 20 years, I also chased Physics. I concluded the Vacuum of Space, the Physical Space or the Ether has following properties:

1, It expands like is meant by the word like Brahman and captures the essence of Big Bang and the expanding Universe.

2. It has more Energy than the Material Energy. Like 10 ^ -15 m of Vacuum of Space has Trillion times more Energy than the the Universe spanning 15 Billion Light Years.

3. It has the property of Temperature in all states of the Universe , the Matter, and all forms of Energy. or the Agni mentioned in first sloka in Rig Vedas.

4. It has 9 Static Dimensions and 10-12 Dynamic Dimensions. This is a complex Physics I have come up with which I could use to accurately calculate the mass of He-2-4 using my Geometric Model.

5. It has the building block for Memory, like the Bit and Qubits, but here at Planck level the 9-D Gyroscopic acts like Memory for that space unit.

6. The grouping of these units of spaces and their wiring between, is like Yogic Chitta and Individual Soul, and it derives things like Karma and Reincarnation. So Consciousness spams both inside and outside and is the same.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Science in my mind.

2D Cycles are Sin and Cos functions. 3D Cycles are not taught to us. But in Nature, it is the Torus - concentric circles going from small to big to small, and each stage having accelerating and decelerating changes like Sin and Cos. And then radially aligned circles going round and round without changes. Between these two orthogonal extremes, Nature takes flows in 3D for 3D Standing Waves.

For every photon we see emerge and come towards us, there is a dark photon that must leave us. So there are two kind of photons. As many photons have accumulated over 14-15 Billion Years. there is less Visible Universe and Energy than the Invisible Energy. Dark Energy is Vacuum Ether. Dark Matter is space-time concentrated wells like Dark Holes but dead and lacking any Spiral Galactic motion and spewing of radiation at the poles.

The electrons are in two configurations. N-N poles in top and bottom and S-S poles in top and bottom too. This is classical explanation for Stern–Gerlach experiment. We do not have to worry about spinning charge exceeding speed of light as it is not one circular spin but series of expanding and contracting spins. Electron has "ether" pressure gradient from inside to outside to explain negative charge.

Positrons are like electrons but with "ether" pressure gradient from outside to inside. Think of them one being a positive energy taken from Vacuum or Sea of Energy and the other being negative and on the way to be given back. So in "created" Universe, we will see more matter than anti matter. There are two kind of Positrons.

Neutrinos are like Electron and Positron combined - 1/2 Electron and 1/2 Positron with zero "ether" pressure gradient. There are two types of Neutrinos like Electron and Positron. There is no Anti Neutrino but Science is calling the second type of Neutrino as Anti. This state of things are in perfect balance and zero entropy to react with any matter - except be part of weak force participants.

The expanding Universe is just a phase. It will be followed by contracting Universe. The Solar System, Galaxies, and the Universe are all Tourus in substance. We may have multi Torus and ad infinitum.

Quantum Entanglement shows hidden geometries in Ether Space - like a the wings of planes would be opposite in vortices. They happen at the same time. Measuring one creates a mirror geometry and precipitate two ends at the same time. The Ether at its level act likes One which is Distributed but still Central.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Holographic Confusion!

Recently Scientific Community is abuzz with the confirmation that the Universe is itself a Holographic Projection based on Observations.

There are many interpretations to the word Holographic Projection. BTW, this concept of "Projection" is also there in Hindu Scriptures for describing Genesis.

The whole thing started with a Stanford Physicist Leonard Susskind said all our Equations of Universe are primarily 2D and hence the 3D Universe is a Holographic Projection!

The other thing which comes up with Holography Projection is that it is all in Mind or all in Measurement by Instruments, which may be Senses. This kind of gels with the Hindu Scriptures and the QM has the same basis - but wrong. BTW, most of the QM Physicists were influenced by Hinduism.

I think the later view is more relevant and still irrelevant. We create Reality based on what is in our Mind, and thus the Mind Image is important, more than Reality Image. This is what meant by the Indian Genesis. The QM interpretation is opposite! The thing turns out to be true in Reality only when it appears in the Mind or in the readings of the Instrument! This later interpretation was not liked by Einstein the great, who had the maximum understanding of the Reality.

Now coming to the Business of 2D based Science. The math and science we developed were based on Paper which is inherently 2D. And it is a good approximation. For example the motion of Planets are not Elliptical but Helical! With Tensor Calculus, Geometry Algebra, Exterior Algebra, etc. folks tried to envision more than 2D. It is like people do not talk about jerk which is the acceleration of acceleration per second. Even Matrix and Determinants are inherently 2D. We stopped at 1st and 2nd orders and limited ourselves to 2D when coming up with things.

My view is that Virtual Reality would be the Future of the World! It will replace the Paper and the 2D Limitation. It would make the Human Brain more intelligently evolved! How many people can think of rotating a 3D object? How many people can give themselves a good hair cut just looking at the mirror?
Yes, I think Scientists are still confused about the Reality!