Friday, September 30, 2011

Problem with the Western Modern Science

It is good for most of the practical gross matters and a fair science but not good as an Absolute Science. It forgets the limitations of the Body, Mind, Intellect (BMI) - and the Ego! It does not measure the "Measurer" or the Observer!

It is based on Numericism and sometimes Absolute Reality needs to be understood with Empiricism.

So it is very important that Physicists studying Nature or Reality become Spiritualists - and all good Physicists become that eventually, and there have been many incidences of them becoming even Vegetarians!

Why is it like that? Because they understood the laws of Actions and Reactions working at the subtlest levels of Reality and reaching till Soul Levels!!

So how does Yoga come in place here? Basically it is a self-practicing science which can only be experienced and not explained - and it helps a person transcend the BMI and Ego barrier and also physically experience the Science's so called Dark Energy - and Chinese Chi and the Indian Prana.

It is this force that has been missed by MM Experiement as Ether and one gets tuned to this Energy in the Yogic Path. The Truth Reveals itself when one Identifies Oneself With Truth!

I will show that how my experiment on the self shows a Space-Time modification of 1 c.m. is better than the previous experiments conducted to prove Einstein's General Relativity.

When Einstein proposed General Relativity, its first vindication came when it could account for the discrepancy in Perihelion Precession of the Planet Mercury, which was noted to be 38/3600 or 43/3600 degrees over 100 years! Imagine the accuracy of their tools 200 years back and the Ego principle of the Measurer asserting in this principle of Self Assertion!

The other test was the measurement of the deflection of a star's original position because of Sun's Gravitational Field. The theory predicts a deflection of 1·7" for a light ray grazing the sun’s disc. As is well known, this latter value for the deflection of light, rather than 0·87" or 3·4", was confirmed by the British eclipse expeditions of 1919 under circumstances which catapulted Einstein to world renown. Please note that this is when Light is travelling for Light Years in Astronomical Units!

Now we know Temperature can increase the size of the Mass, Liquid and Gas. We also know that Special Relativity says, as we approach the speed of light, the length would contract (and in one posting I would try to explain this in simple terms).

General Relativity says that Mass and Energy modifies Space-Time Fabric (but it is a misnomer for a Phase Diagram Relationship actually but cleverly used by Einstein to cover up Ethereal Space).

Here I show that through Yogic Powers, one can shift Pranic, Chi or Science's Dark Energy, and change the size of one's hand or leg by 1 c.m. in seconds - but no one is listening!!

It is this energy when understood, can explain all realities in togetherness with Electric and Magnetic Fields. I call it the Space-Field which gives rise to the notion of Space - and more accurately the first, second and third order derivatives - the Velocity, Acceleration and Jerks.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Speed of Light Broken

BBC News:

Speed of Light Broken

My Postings:

Fine Structure Constant

Arithmentic Series in Quantum Mechanics

Proton Spin Connected with Electron Spin

They Will Never Find Zero Higgs Boson

I have known for 3 years that when in 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 Dimensional Gyroscope if some perturbation is applied, the correction happens like an instantenous Quantum Entanglement - which is not explained either by SR or GR - and taken as an accepted fact for QM and QF. This is faster than the speed of light!

In last 3 years, I have predicted a few things after dwelling in a book, which was written 3 years back, on the fact called Reality. Please see my other Science and Math Postings.

I basically predicted that the Electron and Positron are nothing but a photon caught up in High Energy Space-Time Disturbance and Constraint. And it explains Gyromagnetic Ratio g=2, Quantum Spin = h/2 but also shows that it is nothing but a double Magnetic Pole glued together with N-N or S-S points as an artifact, and even calculates the Fine Structure Constant α = 139.5. It also classically links the Spin of Electron with the Spin of Proton.

It does not violate any experiments except reinterpret the MM Experiment. I have explained the reason for this difference as I used well known 6 Physical Constants, which are still measured by us in a material world, and show it is same as Golden Ratio Angle of 137.5.

There is no violation of any SE, GKE, LE, WE, PE or any disagreement with SR, GR, QM or QF - and infact integrates them all well with CP. It also takes into account the Lie Alzebra, Grassman Alzebra, Quaternions, Geometric Alzebra, etc. and explains them without violating any known facts or experiments.

So one of the argument given against the spinning electron producing Angular Magnetic Moment was that it was greater than the speed of light for the size of the electron.

Well when photon travels over photon, wave over wave, for the constrained Space and Time, for the Energy Level that went into trapping photon in Space-Time to make an Electron or Positron, it would beat the speed of light! This has an equivalent in the GR Frame Dragging effect which is nothing but a camouflager around the Ether effect.

Under the Lense–Thirring or Frame Dragging effect, the Frame of Reference in which the clock ticks the fastest is one which is revolving around the object as viewed by a distant observer. This also means that light traveling in the direction of rotation of the object will move past the massive object faster than light moving against the rotation, as seen by a distant observer. It is now the best-known effect, partly thanks to the Gravity Probe B experiment. Qualitatively, frame-dragging can be viewed as the gravitational analog of electromagnetic induction.

Because they could not explain it using CP, they called it QM Spin! Dirac's Equation for the first time predicted this as well as Positron - and there is no conflict with his Equation but gives a very Geometric and Alzebric Visualization!

So what is the speed of light? Basically the Fabric of 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 Dimension, when is disturbed by some energy, the photon is ejected from nowhere - the Vacuum Empty Space - which is the Infinite Source of Energy.

The photon is that disturbance which would then travel in Space as a finger running the strings up and down, but the strings are 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 Dimensions. This is the purest observation and fastest observation a man could observe in Nature - and closest to the Ground Reality.

Now what are Neutrinos? Basically they are the "third" combination after Positron and Electron - where the Micro Gravity, or the Dark Energy, or the so called Elusive Ether which makes the photon move, gives rise to the notion of velocity and accelerations. This is explained in my book.

I also know that that photon is not massless. And I also know that photon does not keep travelling for ever - thought it travels for many Light Years beyond our imagination. And I also know photon does not travel straight as the density of the Ether or Space Fabric is disturbed by Masses, Energy and other perturbations.

So our whole view of the Universe, and the Big Bang is very limited. Big Bangs are many and what we see is the Matter which is Visible. The expanding Matter is the Universe which we see as Expanding and Accelerating. But we need to see beyond this which contains that Expanding Matter.

So what happened in CERN? Basically they approached the Energy Levels where Neutrinos, the three generations called Neutrino, Muon and Tau which are nothing but Resonance of the same energy function, got caught up in something like an event approaching QM Entanglement.

Think like a neutrino disappearing in the Space Fabric but instantenously arriving a few distance apart - and not travelling like Photon.

Why is it? It is because of Neutronis express more of the Space we see - because of Microgravity, Dark Energy or Ether. Only Space can beat the Space in simple terms! This is the Worm Hole Einstein talked about!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fine Strucure Constant is Golden Angle Ratio - And Connected With Famous Constants of Mathematics and Physics

I have this known for 3 years and documented in my second book: (New) The Tao of Physics. Would like someone from Academia to give me a chance for PhD and also review this book. This was based on my quest for Truth.

Golden Angle:


Fine Structure Constant:

From Wiki, it is interprated as:

(1) The square of the ratio of the elementary charge to the Planck charge

(2) The ratio of two energies: (i) the energy needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between two electrons a distance of d apart, and (ii) the energy of a single photon of wavelength λ = 2πd (from a modern perspective, of angular wavelength r = d ; see Planck relation):

(3) The ratio of the velocity of the electron in the Bohr model of the atom to the speed of light. Hence the square of α is the ratio between the Hartree energy (27.2 eV = twice the Rydberg energy) and the electron rest mass (511 keV). The ratio of three characteristic lengths: the classical electron radius re, the Bohr radius a0 and the Compton wavelength of the electron.

(4) The ratio of three characteristic lengths: the classical electron radius re, the Bohr radius a0 and the Compton wavelength of the electron.

On Fibonicci Numbers:

On Golden Angle:

The FC calculated and observed is 137.035 and GA = 137.5, which is a theoretical number. I calculate this number close to 139.5. Why this discrepancy? Basically not all constants are precisely known from Absolute Zero and Rest point of view, and which do not have the bias of the material and relativistic observer that we are. And my number is based on a model which approximates as 1st order.

It does not violate all the interpretations of the FC Constant and shows a Geometric-Alzebra Relationships of all these constants. It does not violate any observations of Golden Ratio Angle and Fibonicci Numbers.

One is a Ratio and the other is an Angle. This is because sometimes Planc Constant is divided by 2Pi Radians to derive another Planck Bar Constant. And in making translations from MKS to CGS systems, 1/4Pi is also used.

In my book I have show how this famous constant of QM, calculated and confirmed in Experiments, and the famous constant known to the Ancients, and also found in the Nature through Fibonicci Numbers Series expressions in Sun-Flower, Phylotaxis, Spiral-Log movement of Waves, including Light, movement of matter in Galaxies, how the Eye sees Light in formation of Iris Patterns, and how an Fire-Fly Insect homes on its Target Flame, or a Bee Honey Comb Eyes sess.

I show how this constant is connected with following constants:

1. Speed of Light, c.
2. Planck Constant, h.
3. Electric Permittivity of Free Space, ε.
4. Magnetic Permeability of Free Space, µ.
5. Exponent Constant E = 2.71.
6. Pi = π.

Also, please see my previous posting on the gryomagnetic coupling g=2, Spin of h/2, and mention of Electron and Positron being nothing but a Photon spunning these particles, caught in Space and Time constraints of High Energy Perturbations. This does not violate any experiment in Physics - except for reinterpreting MM experiment.

The factor of 137 is basically a "Remainder Effect" which links these forces from a Photon Particle perspective.

This is also connected with how the Waves Propogate in Inversion of Mathematics of Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division - and connected with Geometry of Alzebra.

And it agrees with Lapalace Equation, Poission Equation, Wave Equation, Schrondinger Equation, Dirac Equation and Klein-Gorden Equation.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Quantum Numbers and connection with Arithmetic Series in Nature

Wanted to share something which I noticed during my quest for Truth. Some of it you already know but not sure how much deep you have gone on this. The formula for sum of first N Numbers is N (N+1) /2, and sum of first of N^2 numbers is N (N+1) (2N+1) / 6, and sum of first N ^3 is [ N (N+1) / 2]^2, which is basically squaring the Sum of First N Numbers. You all know this.

The Sum of First N Numbers can be thought as an Area of a Triangle dotted with a series of dots approximating the triangle, starting with N dots, N-1, and so on. Since we need to go 0 Dots to make a perfect Triangle, we get the factor of N+1 and factor of 1/2 from the area of Triangle - as it is half of Rectangle. This can also be thought as number of Neighbors one has among N Neighbors.

The second formula can be thought as Volume of a "Double" Pyramid extended by the above dotted triangle to give itself a symmeterical 3-D figure, givng 2N + 1 Layers of N-Dotted Triangles, where they vary from 0 to N. The height has to vary +N and -N on "each side" with 0 as common base, hence the term 2N+1. Now the term 1/3 comes from the Volume of Pyramid Formula.

The story does not stop here. The Quantum Numbers come from background of 3D Harmonics, which are nothing but similar to 1D Fourier Series, which says any wave can be carved out by ad mixing a series of Sin and Cos Waves of Harmonics, e.g., multiples of a common frequency 'f', with different proportions of Amplitude. 3D Harmonics is also similar, which says how to take a Sphere, and carve out different blocks of 3D, 2D and 1D patterns which would add up to sum a 3D Sphere! Think of stacking different layers of thin shells of layers to make an Sphere, e.g, like an Onion. Or take different slices of Oranges cut vertically or horizontally, and stacked up to make a Sphere. Or think of drawing different patterns of quadrants on the surface of the Sphere. Now make this into different combinations, and essentially this is the 3D Harmonic Series equivalent.

Now lets come to the Quantum Numbers. The first quantum number is "n", which show the shell number, and varies from 1 to N, giving (N) States. This can be thought as the layer or the story at which an electron resides or orbits. There was nothing magic about Quantum Jumps, as stated by Planck, as electrons are not dumb to not take a "lane approach to driving" vs driving at any analog levels, Hence they take quantum jumps, otherwise they would collide and interfere with each while "driving", and this also fits with the 3D-Harmonics. It is the radial 1D Expansion of enumeration of first N "points" in Space. Plus there is a deeper mystery on the nature of quantum of jumps which tied with the De Broglies hypothesis of the orbits being integral number of electron wave lenghts. But what is missed is that they are also tied with the wave lenght of the photon absorbed or emitted, yet, admitted in the Energy formula of E = hv. No one talks about the physical process explaning how the photon injection or emmision ties to Electron changing its orbit.

The second quantum number is "l", which varies from 0 to N, giving (N+1) States. This is the Angular Momentum Quantum number, which gives a "circular" sweep to the N points "radius" to make it a circle.

The third quantum number is 'm" and varies from -N to +N, giving (2N+1) States. This is the Magnetic Quantum Number, and it basically takes the mechanical motion of the electron in circular orbit to give a 3D Spherical effect to account for North and South Poles of Magnetic Moment which accounts for spinning - like the Earth's motion

And the fourth quantum number is the Spin 1/2, which is of a Quantum Mechnical nature and there is no classical explaination given. But actually, in my quest, I have found this to be a double covered Sphere which is spun by Photon, giving two N-S pole combinations, where the electron is N-N or S-S artifact of the weaving of the Electron by Photon. The Positron has the opposite artifact because of the same weaving of positron by photon - but in opposite manner.

What does the Sum of N^3 tell about the 4rth Quantum Number? Basically it is the square of the Sum of N, which is like a Cross Product of 2 Dimensions divided by 2 or the Area of a Triangle of sides with N and N+1 Dimensions (the second sweep is 1 unit more). It tells about a 4D effect, where the Cross Vector is either "Up" or "Down", and the 4D Reality is the product of the two Cross Products, e.g. Cross of Cross and like the Triple Product of 3D, which is Volume. This gels with the notion of +h/2 Up and h/2 Down Vector. So Planck Constant is a notion of "minimal" 1D or 2D (as for next dimension it is 1 unit more) unit of some "space".

This is also validated if one takes the Relativity explaination given by the QM for accounting the g=2 for gyromagnetic ratio coupling, but not linking it with the spin of 1/2. The gyromagentic ratio is basically the coupling between Angular Momentum and the Magnetic Moment, and experimentally they found it to be double than what was predicted by Classical Physics. They at one point explained this by Relativistic Effects and Chirality. But my explaination is very Geometrical, and is also blessed by Geometric Algebra, Clifford Algebra, Lie's Algebra, Grassman's Algebra, and SO(3) Symmetries.

Now if you see all these factors, explaination of 3D Harmonics, and the Formulas for Sum N, N^2 and N^3 numbers, you would see there is a lot of similarities and geometrical parallels.

So where is the factor of 1/3 and it is missing in QM? It's pointing to 3 times play of fields, in 3 x 3 x 3 Dimensions.

In another posting, I would explain how the Fine Structure Constant Factor of 1/137.5 is related to different Constants and some famous constants of Science, including Fibonicci Numbers and Golden Ratio.

Oh, yes it is connected with Gold Ratio Angle of 137.5!