Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fine Strucure Constant is Golden Angle Ratio - And Connected With Famous Constants of Mathematics and Physics

I have this known for 3 years and documented in my second book: (New) The Tao of Physics. Would like someone from Academia to give me a chance for PhD and also review this book. This was based on my quest for Truth.

Golden Angle:


Fine Structure Constant:

From Wiki, it is interprated as:

(1) The square of the ratio of the elementary charge to the Planck charge

(2) The ratio of two energies: (i) the energy needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between two electrons a distance of d apart, and (ii) the energy of a single photon of wavelength λ = 2πd (from a modern perspective, of angular wavelength r = d ; see Planck relation):

(3) The ratio of the velocity of the electron in the Bohr model of the atom to the speed of light. Hence the square of α is the ratio between the Hartree energy (27.2 eV = twice the Rydberg energy) and the electron rest mass (511 keV). The ratio of three characteristic lengths: the classical electron radius re, the Bohr radius a0 and the Compton wavelength of the electron.

(4) The ratio of three characteristic lengths: the classical electron radius re, the Bohr radius a0 and the Compton wavelength of the electron.

On Fibonicci Numbers:

On Golden Angle:

The FC calculated and observed is 137.035 and GA = 137.5, which is a theoretical number. I calculate this number close to 139.5. Why this discrepancy? Basically not all constants are precisely known from Absolute Zero and Rest point of view, and which do not have the bias of the material and relativistic observer that we are. And my number is based on a model which approximates as 1st order.

It does not violate all the interpretations of the FC Constant and shows a Geometric-Alzebra Relationships of all these constants. It does not violate any observations of Golden Ratio Angle and Fibonicci Numbers.

One is a Ratio and the other is an Angle. This is because sometimes Planc Constant is divided by 2Pi Radians to derive another Planck Bar Constant. And in making translations from MKS to CGS systems, 1/4Pi is also used.

In my book I have show how this famous constant of QM, calculated and confirmed in Experiments, and the famous constant known to the Ancients, and also found in the Nature through Fibonicci Numbers Series expressions in Sun-Flower, Phylotaxis, Spiral-Log movement of Waves, including Light, movement of matter in Galaxies, how the Eye sees Light in formation of Iris Patterns, and how an Fire-Fly Insect homes on its Target Flame, or a Bee Honey Comb Eyes sess.

I show how this constant is connected with following constants:

1. Speed of Light, c.
2. Planck Constant, h.
3. Electric Permittivity of Free Space, ε.
4. Magnetic Permeability of Free Space, µ.
5. Exponent Constant E = 2.71.
6. Pi = π.

Also, please see my previous posting on the gryomagnetic coupling g=2, Spin of h/2, and mention of Electron and Positron being nothing but a Photon spunning these particles, caught in Space and Time constraints of High Energy Perturbations. This does not violate any experiment in Physics - except for reinterpreting MM experiment.

The factor of 137 is basically a "Remainder Effect" which links these forces from a Photon Particle perspective.

This is also connected with how the Waves Propogate in Inversion of Mathematics of Addition/Subtraction and Multiplication/Division - and connected with Geometry of Alzebra.

And it agrees with Lapalace Equation, Poission Equation, Wave Equation, Schrondinger Equation, Dirac Equation and Klein-Gorden Equation.