On Wave-Particle Duality:A wave is a packet which has to complete a Wavelength and that itself is a particle spanning that space.
A definition of Wave and Particle goes back to Double Slit experiment. Particles create spots of dots randomly in Gaussian Distribution and Waves Create am Interference Pattern but with a Gaussian Distribution - with dark and light shades.
Electron makes its wave length equal to circumference divided by some integer depending on their orbit
When no measuring device is put next to it, both electron and photon act like Wave.
When some measurement is done, they act like Particle.
The Experiment:The thin nano wire in the experiment when shown photon, traps the Photon-Light energy and creates Standing waves (like electron is a standing wave for its orbit) - but at the same time it is wave.
When electron are shown, some photons speed up and some reduce - in change energy. The speed-ed ones are having more energy and frequency and small wavelength which is approaching particle-ness (but it still has to make a wave round) and the slower guys have less frequency and more wavelength (and more spread out in Space).
So you see Blue shifting to Red So experiment.
On Light and Photon:In 2008, when i was going through my Kundalini Awakening I came to a conclusion that Electron, Positron (anti of Electron) and Neutrino (which pass our bodies by millions but difficult to detect or sense) are nothing but Photon caught up in High Energy Space-Time constraint. Think of how flows create vortex, black holes, hurricane cone, etc.
Except for Neutrino and Michelson Morely Experiment, it did not contradict anything. Neutrino is the carrier of Dark Energy which Science is still trying to understanding. And I came to conclusion that Anti Neutrino is Gluon and not itself.
Rest of Particles are higher layers of Realities build on top of it. Like all realities on Computers, Face Book, You Tube, Email go back to Silicon Circuit and then to Silicon and so on.
Recently Science said that Emptiness and Vacuum of Space is something which MM Experiment said it does not have anything. Imagine going to Sea Beach and trying to capture Air with Fish Net. So using Mechanical Contraption to capture Subtle as Ether or Dark Energy is an useless exercise.
In Static Casimir Effect, when two plates are put parallel and near, they vibrate. Like two plates in water would do but they are very close but do not touch
In Dyamic Casimir Effect, when two plates are moved to approaching speed of light, they create pair of photon.
So all the Source of Life and Matter is the Empty Space and Vedic Indians called it Brahman.