Quantum Mechanics is not an exact Science. It is the Science of Measurements of Observables at Atomic Levels which give a Statistical and Probabilistic view of events. Statistics was first used to understand patterns involving Masses of things and events before QM.
General Relativity did not say anything more about Gravity as why it happens, more than Newton, except for linking SR to GR, and coming up with Stress Tensor Field Equations with Riemann Topology of 4D Space-Time and Ricci Curvature in the equation.
The so called curvature of Space-Time is nothing but a plot of Acceleration/Gravity vs time - and the plot is not linear but curves. And the presence of Mass causes this curve as per GR, but Newton said the same thing without using the nuances of curve or curvature.
The two shall never be unified in Science because Modern Scientists are not trained to think like Computer Software and Hardware and Networking Scientists in terms of Layers of Realities and Stacks.
So the four Forces of Nature is wrong. It is like mixing it with other kind of Forces like caused by Temperature or Molecular Forces. Likewise the Weak Force is like the "unsettled" state of Strong and Electromagnetic Forces. It is like counting Water and its Vapors as separate.