Saturday, December 24, 2016

Synopsis of Modern Physics

Some rumblings of my mind..

Einstein did some clever work on Special Relativity and General Relativity. The notion of Length shrinking with increase speed of light was very confusing in the beginning. But slowly it dawned on me, over the years of contemplation, that there was nothing wrong with it, since the Vacuum of Space still had a the Super Fluid, Super Conducting, and Super Lu-scent Ether which would offer increasing resistance as the speed would increase, and the molecules and atoms in the length dimension would get squeezed. The the concept of Time Dilation blew the mind. Slowly over the years I realized that the Light had its limits, and when used to transport the time-events among-st different moving and non moving frames, they had to agree with each other based on the fact that the artifact of delays would be accounted in counting time from one frame to other. Then he did not worry about the Absolute Frame, which is the Super Ether, which does not have this limitation as it communicates instantaneously as One, though Infinite, giving rise to things like Quantum Entanglements which puzzles the Scientists. Then the logic of Gravity and the associated Tensor Calculus looked very hard. Einstein being a believer of Physical properties of Space, e.g. Ether, had to face others against, and to circumvent that he coined the word Space-Time and to account for gravity or acceleration he accounted by Time-Space Curvature! Actually there was nothing new since if one plots acceleration over time, one would see 2-D, Space-TIme curvature! One thought the Tensor Calculus was difficult but one had to dive deep into QM to understand why Einstein had disdain for QM Matrix based Algebra-Calculus. The most surprising result was that the Atomic Clocks, dictated by QM, were actually tuned to his GR theory! But yet Scientists could not find this connection by unifying the both!

The QM math taught in Schrodinger Equation was nothing big.There were Pauli Matrices, and its cousin Dirac Matrices following strange Lie Algebra and Clifford Algebra. That Dirac equation was nothing but Schrodinger Equation when Relativistic effects were removed. Many minds went into it. Starting with Rutherford, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, De-Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Feynman, and many countless brains behind complex mathematics which is much more complex than the Tensor Mechanics. They developed many concepts such as Probability Amplitude, Wave Propagator, Dirac Notations, etc. and so on. Now I understood why Einstein hated Heisenberg Matrix Mechanics and favored Schrodinger's approach. Later it was found both approaches were two different views of the same thing. There were two entities, the Operators and States and only one could change. Schrodinger favored static operators and dynamic states with Vector Calculus and Differential Equations and Heisenberg favored the opposite with a lot of Matrix based Mechanics, which he had mastered from Jordan. Einstein also hated the Copenhagen view of the QM. The young Turks from Europe, and even Ferrymen were revolutionary in thinking and had Ontological approach based on observations and statistical interpretation, while Einstein favored Epistemological approach but he was cornered and outnumbered, Things like Quantum Tunneling, Quantum Spin not related to physical Spin, and Quantum Entanglement were very alien concepts when trying to see them from the prism of classical physics. People were confused about how to interpret the Double Slit Experiment results! Light, Electron and even C-60 Atom, would show behavior of Wave and when observed it would collapse into Particle! The particles seemed have presented themselves in transition in both the slots! Only De-Broglie and Bohm interpretation was making sense and in accordance with what Einstein wanted. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the De-Broglie and Bohm view is correct. QM works not because the understanding is mirroring the Reality but it has modeled the measurement science of interference correctly!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Science in my mind.

The Science in my mind.

2D Cycles are Sin and Cos functions. 3D Cycles are not taught to us. But in Nature, it is the Torus - concentric circles going from small to big to small, and each stage having accelerating and decelerating changes like Sin and Cos. And then radially aligned circles going round and round without changes. Between these two orthogonal extremes, Nature takes flows in 3D for 3D Standing Waves.

For every photon we see emerge and come towards us, there is a dark photon that must leave us. So there are two kind of photons. As many photons have accumulated over 14-15 Billion Years. there is less Visible Universe and Energy than the Invisible Energy. Dark Energy is Vacuum Ether. Dark Matter is space-time concentrated wells like Dark Holes but dead and lacking any Spiral Galactic motion and spewing of radiation at the poles.

The electrons are in two configurations. N-N poles in top and bottom and S-S poles in top and bottom too. This is classical explanation for Stern–Gerlach experiment. We do not have to worry about spinning charge exceeding speed of light as it is not one circular spin but series of expanding and contracting spins. Electron has "ether" pressure gradient from inside to outside to explain negative charge.

Positrons are like electrons but with "ether" pressure gradient from outside to inside. Think of them one being a positive energy taken from Vacuum or Sea of Energy and the other being negative and on the way to be given back. So in "created" Universe, we will see more matter than anti matter. There are two kind of Positrons.

Neutrinos are like Electron and Positron combined - 1/2 Electron and 1/2 Positron with zero "ether" pressure gradient. There are two types of Neutrinos like Electron and Positron. There is no Anti Neutrino but Science is calling the second type of Neutrino as Anti. This state of things are in perfect balance and zero entropy to react with any matter - except be part of weak force participants.

The expanding Universe is just a phase. It will be followed by contracting Universe. The Solar System, Galaxies, and the Universe are all Tourus in substance. We may have multi Torus and ad infinitum.

Quantum Entanglement shows hidden geometries in Ether Space - like a the wings of planes would be opposite in vortices. They happen at the same time. Measuring one creates a mirror geometry and precipitate two ends at the same time. The Ether at its level act likes One which is Distributed but still Central.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Speed of Light Is Not Constant, Visible Universe is Small

How do we explain Dark Energy and Dark Matter which accounts for 96-98% of the Energy of the Universe?

It means that a lot of Energy is not visible by our known detection methods. The fabric of Cosmos is the Vacuum of Space. It itself has energy.

Then in Space, Light cannot travel for ever. Its momentum and energy would get dissipated as it crosses ocean of Space with Matter and other kinds of force like Gravity. So a lot of visible Universe remains Invisible. Our Scales have not reached that level of distances yet.

What about Dark Matter? Light cannot escape Dark Matter. So does the speed of light remain the same while falling? After the horizon event, it will accelerate - if we assume photon to be an infinitely small mass and black hole to be infinitely big mass, and still acceleration would happen. So black holes hold unaccountable mass as they cannot be seen easily and they also absorb Light.

Do things escape from Black holes? There is this opposite view called White Hole and then there is a polar region where it is seen Radiation escaping. It looks like the matter and light falling into black hold would in-cinder the matter insider the mass - with accelerated photons falling and hitting matter, and the falling matter also hitting. This would lead to formation of polarized plasma which would start making vortex at the Polar regions. This vortex would have higher speed than ordinary light and escape.

So what we can say the speed of Light is not constant. And the Universe visible is a small compared to real Universe.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Fibonacci Numbers were first discovered by Indians in 200 BC.

Fibonacci Numbers are part of Nature. They are part of advance science followed by Nature.

But the credit goes to Fibonacci who also learnt about Indian Decimal System and introduced to Europe.  So being introduced to something so basic, how come one can advanced to these numbers so soon?

Apparently this was known to Indians as early as 200 BC.  It was called Virhanka numbers.

Susantha Goonatilake writes that the development of the Fibonacci sequence "is attributed in part to Pingala (200 BC), later being associated with Virahanka (c. 700 AD), Gopāla (c. 1135), and Hemachandra (c. 1150)".[7] Parmanand Singh cites Pingala's cryptic formula misrau cha ("the two are mixed") and cites scholars who interpret it in context as saying that the cases for m beats (Fm+1) is obtained by adding a [S] to Fm cases and [L] to the Fm−1 cases. He dates Pingala before 450 BC.[14]

However, the clearest exposition of the sequence arises in the work of Virahanka (c. 700 AD), whose own work is lost, but is available in a quotation by Gopala (c. 1135):

Variations of two earlier meters [is the variation]... For example, for [a meter of length] four, variations of meters of two [and] three being mixed, five happens. [works out examples 8, 13, 21]... In this way, the process should be followed in all mātrā-vṛttas [prosodic combinations].[15]

The sequence is also discussed by Gopala (before 1135 AD) and by the Jain scholar Hemachandra (c. 1150).

Monday, May 2, 2016

3D Exponential Constant = 2.73

The number "e" = 2.73 is an interesting number and in Calculus explored as a Limit of small increments to 1 raised to Infinity.

In Nature, the packing of Spheres is most efficient when 6 Spheres as in Soddy Hexlet are formed in center, and 3 in Top and 3 in Bottom, but in reverse polarity - the arrow formed with 3 is opposite in directions.

This packing is called HCP and 12 Spheres surround 1 Sphere - the source of Energy.
This is not taught in Physics but I came to conclusion that the Energy propagates through Geometrical-Arithmetic Inversions - and also confirmed by 18th Century Mathematicians and Physicists who solved Differential Wave Equations.  This also involves Geometric and Arithmetic Progressions.

In case of Light, I have also seen Harmonic Progressions.

Geometrically basically the inner circle catches on to the outer sphere through process of inversion, so 1 Sphere now becomes a bigger ball of 13 Spheres, and so on.

Now if one takes the Energy Differential and Density calculation, one would also approach the number 2.72 but in 3 Dimensions!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Finally Unified - Moment of Eureka!

Moment of Eureka!

Using my theory, I could calculate the Mass of Helium-4 Nuclei (or Alpha Particle) to be 7443.61 (7294.99) Electron Mass.  The Official calculated Mass of He-4 Nuclei is 7349.36 Electron Mass!

Almost a good part of my life went on thinking about Gravity and then learning and thinking about how the Creation Happened. It was part of my chase for Truth! :-) This covered studies in many subjects, including Yoga and Vedanta, besides History, Sanskrit and Scriptures. I was not sure what I was looking for, but surely I was looking everywhere!

So in 2010, I came to this "intuitive" conclusion, using my chance "realizations of 2008", that 2 Proton and 2 Neutron would make the most stable Nucleus!  Stable means it would be also the most abundant!  Voila!!  The Quantum Mechanics says the same thing, except it being the Most Spherical Nucleus with no more explanations!  He-4 Nuclei or Alpha Particle is the most Abundant and Stable Element Nuclei in the Universe!  It is as if if the Material Universe will Freeze either into an Empty Vacuum or Universe Filled up with He-4.  Need more thinking here at Cosmic Scales where I have not spent much time.

I was using my 2008 epiphany and serendipity based chanced discovery - while I was going through another journey of Kundalini Awakening without knowing it. It led to multiple medical issues where team of 5-6 doctors till Stanford level were baffled. I also suffered 2 Heart Attacks and a Nervous Meltdown - so they thought!

While I battled these things, my mind was preoccupied with the search for Truth!  There I remembered, the fact that the Search can lead to Death and Madness, so I had heard.  So I stopped after writing 2 Dairy Books on Gravity and Reality.

In 2008 I was talking about Electrons, Positrons and even Neutrinos being Photon caught in High Energy Space-time Constraint (like 3D Vortex - think what happens to 2D Laminar Flow of Water near Sink Hole where it becomes 2D + 1 D Vortex).

Since 2010, the mind was per-occupied in Idle Loop, to see how the Quark Model can fit in my model.  And last few weeks, while I was developing the mode, this exercise to calculate the Mass of He-4 Nuclei became an interesting exercise.

But more drilling is required, but in my mind, now I can explain all the 4 Force and how the Reality came into being!  I was also working at 9-D Models of Vacuum of Space which led me to believe that at Planck Level it has more Energy than the Universe and has the Archetypes for Memory and Consciousness!

Soon I will begin writing a book which was my goal.

Update 1:

Like Photons, Electrons/Positrons/Neutrinos, Alpha particle or 2N+2P are the building blocks of Nature.  All Heavy Elements, and Crashing Matter (Black Hole, Galaxy, Star, Planet, Satellite Mergers) would produce Atomic Radiations which would have also the Alpha.

The matter accredit-ion or Nucleo Synthesis and Genesis - and De Synthesis and De Genesis - would involve the Alpha Particle or 2N + 2P Unit.

Check on Triple Alpha Process and Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle.

I need to check it out, but I am almost sure, the Noble Gases of Periodicity Steps of Atomic Masses, of 2, 10, 18, and 36 also has to do with the units of 2N + 2P but there will be some sharing, which I need to figure out.

Update 2:

This is what my discovery that 2P + 2N are most Stable and Abundant Units of Nuclei in form of He-4 Nuclei and Alpha Particle is backed up by this observation:

In the Sun, 4He synthesis via branch pp I occurs with a frequency of 86%, pp II with 14% and pp III with 0.11%.

This is what my discovery that 2P + 2N are most Stable and Abundant Units of Nuclei in form of He-4 Nuclei and Alpha Particle also predicts 0 Spin for He-4 Nuclei, which is true.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Towards Source of Mother of All Realties

Bottom line is the Mother of All Realities is the Vacuum of Space! We are lost counting the Waves but the Ocean provides the answer!

 Recently Modern Science says through Meditation, one can alter DNA, change Auto Immune Response, alter Neural Pathways, and even change the outcome of the first experiment of Quantum Physics. So Science is giving in to Consciousness over Matter.

They are also admitting models for Multi-verses and the whole existence being a Holographic. Like your state of Consciousness is different when Awake, Dream State, Deep Sleep State, Silenced State - and even Drugged States.

The whole Quantum Mechanics and Special and General Relativity are Relative Sciences. QM is "interference" crated by Macroscopic Observers with Microscopic World. Relativity is about using Light as communicating device to collaborate Space-Time events. Both lead to non-classical view and generation of new  Worlds Views.

Basically I call it Stack of Relative Realities like Onion Rings and Autonomous Entities of Relative Realities - with potential to interact in a vector of time and lowering of Entropy.  Perhaps the Vector of Time is related to Big Bang where the Total Energy - and Dark Energy - is flowing away, and the rest of the World-Events are caught up like Whirlpools in a River Flow.

My search of Truth over 2 decades led me to this conclusion: the Planck level "Vacuum of Space" has more Energy than this Universe. In my model of Vacuum of Space, I came to 9D Gyroscope. In this sense a 3D Gyroscope can be said to have Memory and Consciousness.

And this unit has the archetype or prototype for Memory and Consciousness. Consciousness should thought as a big spectrum of awareness to observe the external and internal states and interact. 
Nature's 3D Xerox Copier, Cephlapods, which copy the 3D Terrain and Surface of the surrounding, and Tree doing Photosynthesis are all elements of the Stack of Consciousness.

Recent research found Trees communicating with neighbors and alerting of threats. And Life can have different mechanisms of existence, besides O2 and CO2 cycles of Animals and Plants, like life thriving on the Chemical Heat Energy in the deep bottom of the Oceans.

Lamb Effect, Static and Dynamic Casimir Effect show the Vacuum of Space is Not Nothing but Something.

From the apparent "Nothingness of Space" of Michelson Morley Experiment, now QED admits Virtual Photons and Dynamic Casimir admits Virtual Electrons and Positrons.

In the Stack of Realities, like Onion Rings, after the Vacuum of Space, comes the Light/Photon/EMF, and then the sets of Positrons, Electron and even Neutrinos (which is not yet well understood by Science).

In my own Serendipity and Epiphany in my Kundalini Awakening (like what Pinnani and Ramanujam experienced), I concluded Electron, Positron and Neutrino to be nothing by Photon caught up in High Energy Space-Time constraint - like 3D Vortex. This observation - except for Neutrino and Michelson Morley, which has been proven wrong - does not violate any Modern Science.

Point Energies , Singularities, 2D and 3D Vortices are not well understood by Modern Science. This is why Black holes, Hurricanes, Typhoons, etc. overwhelm us. Vortices are nothing but another configuration to satisfy many constraints and equations like in Simplex Problem. One can see this sitting in a Tub and see laminar flows of water becoming circular and rapidy fast towards center before inflecting a orthography

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Many ways to reach Truth

There are lot of people who keep harping that Modern Science is about: (1) Building a Hypothesis or Theory, (2) Validation of Theory by making a Prediction and Confirming with Observation, (3) Publishing the Result, (4) Presenting in a Conference and (5) Many different collaborating Team replicating the results.

While this works mainly for Macrocosm, Mechanistic and Materialistic world, but starts breaking down in the Microcosm and Non Mechanistic world with many interconnected Fields. This is why the Quantum Mechanics is so hard to understand, and those who say understand, do not understand. It takes a life time to understand.

For example, the Radio Signals are always subject to a lot of interference. Even a reliable digital communication over Radio becomes unreliable. Still with advent of Microscope, Electron Microscope, X-Ray, MRI, Functional MRI, PET MRI or Positron based 3D Tomography, and even Electron based 3D Tomography etc., we have made a lot of progress in peeping into the small word.

But the microscopic effects are subject to things like Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Quantum Entanglements, and Statistics is employed to talk things in Probability. In Statistics we also have the False Positive and Positive False. This is why a same treatment on one patient may not work on another patient, because of so many known and unknown parameters interfering. Now it seems in Physics, the Human Observers are put far away from the experiments and even despite shielding, Human Conciseness has even influenced remote electronic Random Generators,

Like Knowledge can be taught in many means, visual, auditory, tactile and so on, Rationalization may not lead to correct judgement but Intuition may. Truth can also be obtained in many different ways.

Now people are saying that people with Psychosis and Schizophrenia also reach High Level of Consciousness. Many creative geniuses, like Physicists, Mathematicians, Musicians, etc., are from these mental spectrum. In primitive Societies, a Shaman, Saman (note this is a Sanskrit word), Healer, Wise and Spiritual Leader, etc. are also from this spectrum. People like Ramanujan and Sanskrit Panani had out-of-senses perceptions in their dreams which led to creativity. In my own KA, I had some of these.

So I have a question to my esteemed friends. The Atomic Orbitals, "S", "P", "D" and "F" have they been every observed? Do not mix with a recent experiment which falsely claimed that. It was two-band diffraction of the electron orbit S shell and did not match the radius of S.

So who can explain: (1) How did they arrive at these shells? and (2) How did they become so sure without any observation?