Saturday, December 24, 2016

Synopsis of Modern Physics

Some rumblings of my mind..

Einstein did some clever work on Special Relativity and General Relativity. The notion of Length shrinking with increase speed of light was very confusing in the beginning. But slowly it dawned on me, over the years of contemplation, that there was nothing wrong with it, since the Vacuum of Space still had a the Super Fluid, Super Conducting, and Super Lu-scent Ether which would offer increasing resistance as the speed would increase, and the molecules and atoms in the length dimension would get squeezed. The the concept of Time Dilation blew the mind. Slowly over the years I realized that the Light had its limits, and when used to transport the time-events among-st different moving and non moving frames, they had to agree with each other based on the fact that the artifact of delays would be accounted in counting time from one frame to other. Then he did not worry about the Absolute Frame, which is the Super Ether, which does not have this limitation as it communicates instantaneously as One, though Infinite, giving rise to things like Quantum Entanglements which puzzles the Scientists. Then the logic of Gravity and the associated Tensor Calculus looked very hard. Einstein being a believer of Physical properties of Space, e.g. Ether, had to face others against, and to circumvent that he coined the word Space-Time and to account for gravity or acceleration he accounted by Time-Space Curvature! Actually there was nothing new since if one plots acceleration over time, one would see 2-D, Space-TIme curvature! One thought the Tensor Calculus was difficult but one had to dive deep into QM to understand why Einstein had disdain for QM Matrix based Algebra-Calculus. The most surprising result was that the Atomic Clocks, dictated by QM, were actually tuned to his GR theory! But yet Scientists could not find this connection by unifying the both!

The QM math taught in Schrodinger Equation was nothing big.There were Pauli Matrices, and its cousin Dirac Matrices following strange Lie Algebra and Clifford Algebra. That Dirac equation was nothing but Schrodinger Equation when Relativistic effects were removed. Many minds went into it. Starting with Rutherford, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, De-Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Feynman, and many countless brains behind complex mathematics which is much more complex than the Tensor Mechanics. They developed many concepts such as Probability Amplitude, Wave Propagator, Dirac Notations, etc. and so on. Now I understood why Einstein hated Heisenberg Matrix Mechanics and favored Schrodinger's approach. Later it was found both approaches were two different views of the same thing. There were two entities, the Operators and States and only one could change. Schrodinger favored static operators and dynamic states with Vector Calculus and Differential Equations and Heisenberg favored the opposite with a lot of Matrix based Mechanics, which he had mastered from Jordan. Einstein also hated the Copenhagen view of the QM. The young Turks from Europe, and even Ferrymen were revolutionary in thinking and had Ontological approach based on observations and statistical interpretation, while Einstein favored Epistemological approach but he was cornered and outnumbered, Things like Quantum Tunneling, Quantum Spin not related to physical Spin, and Quantum Entanglement were very alien concepts when trying to see them from the prism of classical physics. People were confused about how to interpret the Double Slit Experiment results! Light, Electron and even C-60 Atom, would show behavior of Wave and when observed it would collapse into Particle! The particles seemed have presented themselves in transition in both the slots! Only De-Broglie and Bohm interpretation was making sense and in accordance with what Einstein wanted. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the De-Broglie and Bohm view is correct. QM works not because the understanding is mirroring the Reality but it has modeled the measurement science of interference correctly!