Wednesday, December 10, 2008

As predicted - Black hole confirmed in Milky Way


Giant Humans From The Past

Posted on 09/28/2008

From the Posting:

c. Less Gravity - further away from Sun or Milk Way's Black Hole.

White Hole - Did I say them in 1998/99 - you decide

It was also hypothised and made official by Blandford, R. D. in Aug 98 and published in Aug 99. Around '98 Aug I had also started talking to some of my Cisco colleagues over lunches over the year '98, but do not recall the months, but for sure by Aug' 98, as I was thinking of the subject since I was watching PBS Nova shows from early '90s.

UFO Anti Gravity Technology

From thje Posting :

Gravity is not the cause of Space-Time Curvature Bending! This is the fallacy of the modern Physicists! I am underwriting a paper (where I have also mentioned the fact that the center of the Milky Way and Galaxies have a Black Hole) but never getting to it.

Parallel Universes

Science of PraaNayama

From the Posting:

- Modern Science is still playing catch up and just watch the videos on the "Chis". Places like MIT have only recently found the "magic of surprises" associated with this phenomenon. Just the think what a Vortex river can do to a swimmer and what Tornado Vortex does!

- Only now the modern science is catching up. Beautiful things happen in Vortex point of Singularity - Big Bang, Black Hole, Super Conductivity, Embryo Formation, and so on. There are two coils to show the Downward Spiral Vortex ( broad to smaller spirals, from top to down) and the Upwards Spiral Vortex, (from big to small spiral from bottom to top). They symbolize the Positive and Negative Energy Fields, Heat and Cold, Male and Female Energies, or Prana and Apna.

Black hole confirmed in Milky Way

Page last updated at 20:45 GMT, Tuesday, 9 December 2008

By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News

Core of the Milky Way galaxy, taken with Nasa's Spitzer space telescope
The Milky Way was tracked from an observatory in Chile

There is a giant black hole at the centre of our galaxy, a study has confirmed.

German astronomers tracked the movement of 28 stars circling the centre of the Milky Way, using two telescopes in Chile.

The black hole is four million times more massive than our Sun, according to the paper in The Astrophysical Journal.

Black holes are objects whose gravity is so great that nothing - including light - can escape them.

According to Dr Robert Massey, of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), the results suggest that galaxies form around giant black holes in the way that a pearl forms around grit.

'The black pearl'

Dr Massey said: "Although we think of black holes as somehow threatening, in the sense that if you get too close to one you are in trouble, they may have had a role in helping galaxies to form - not just our own, but all galaxies.

The most spectacular aspect of our 16-year study, is that it has delivered what is now considered to be the best empirical evidence that super-massive black holes do exist
Professor Reinhard Genzel
Head of the research team

"They had a role in bringing matter together and if you had a high enough density of matter then you have the conditions in which stars could form.

"Thus the first generation of stars and galaxies could have come into existence".

The researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany said the black hole was 27,000 light years, or 158 thousand, million, million miles from the Earth.

"Undoubtedly the most spectacular aspect of our 16-year study, is that it has delivered what is now considered to be the best empirical evidence that super-massive black holes do really exist," said Professor Reinhard Genzel, head of the research team.

"The stellar orbits in the galactic centre show that the central mass concentration of four million solar masses must be a black hole, beyond any reasonable doubt."

Observations were made using the 3.5m New Technology Telescope and the 8.2m Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Both are operated by the European Southern Observatory (Eso).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Free Energy John Hutchison

Conventional Science and Mathematics is at loss in explaining these observed effects:

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Hawking Paradox

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did Newton Lie ?

I was hoping to keep this Blog on 'Math And Science Tit Bits' a bit private as it started with a place holder for something I had worked on while solving a problem for my daughter, who was going to some special math challenge classes.

In the process I learnt something and found some interesting series and patterns. Then I went to Wikipedia and Mathworld and could not find anything like what I found. Then over the weeks, after repeated searches, I started finding something overlapping. But still there were many novelties in the findings and besides letting the experts know, and not being challenged, I have quietly dropped the subject. And I may be just completely wrong 100% but it does not matter and what matters more is that one is learning.

For me it is a waste of time to defend all this, as I have many better things to do - like learning more and reading more as I feel that I do not know anything and the Human Knowledge is just a small tip of the proverbial iceberg of the Universe Knowledge World. So please excuse the quality of earlier postings.

Then it also became a place holder on something about Space which I had said back in 1998 but was "shut up" by an expert and later found that now-a-days this has become a hot topic. So I thought I would keep this as a note to myself without much ado. I am still learning on this topic and feel that I know nothing - but have been thinking of General and Special Relativity for past 10 years and writing to give my twist on understanding of General Relativity. But this is going on in background and not sure of the outcome. This is just for me to understand the subject and also write in simple terms but at the same time try to push the understanding further - at least mine. I feel that Einstein's Space-Time Warping is a very mathematical like and a model-like explanation on Gravity.

Without much further ado, in process of trying to introduce the Blog, as well as defend its poor quality postings as private place holder, here I go.

In past I have said the same thing about Newton knowing more than he acknowledged and on Indian Mathematics. See my article on the Newton Stone. So you know Newton was a very influential person and a member of the Knight Templers as well as the Freemasons - both hot topics in Hollywood movies for past few years. And he is buried in West minister Abbey.

Also I have sent emails to friends and colleagues on the Indian Contribution on Math. This news only confirms what I have found. Please see Indian Mathematics: Redressing the balance and Indian Mathematics.

News Release from University of Manchester (

Scholars in India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton1

A little known school of scholars in southwest India discovered one of the founding principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton – according to new research.

Dr George Gheverghese Joseph from The University of Manchester says the ‘Kerala School’ identified the ‘infinite series ’- one of the basic components of calculus - in about 1350.

The discovery is currently - and wrongly - attributed in books to Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the seventeenth centuries.

The team from the Universities of Manchester and Exeter reveal the Kerala School also discovered what amounted to the Pi series and used it to calculate Pi correct to 9, 10 and later 17 decimal places.

And there is strong circumstantial evidence that the Indians passed on their discoveries to mathematically knowledgeable Jesuit missionaries who visited India during the fifteenth century.

That knowledge, they argue, may have eventually been passed on to Newton himself.

Dr Joseph made the revelations while trawling through obscure Indian papers for a yet to be published third edition of his best selling book ‘The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics’ by Princeton University Press.

He said: “The beginnings of modern maths is usually seen as a European achievement but the discoveries in medieval India between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries have been ignored or forgotten.

“The brilliance of Newton’s work at the end of the seventeenth century stands undiminished – especially when it came to the algorithms of calculus.

“But other names from the Kerala School, notably Madhava and Nilakantha, should stand shoulder to shoulder with him as they discovered the other great component of calculus- infinite series.

“There were many reasons why the contribution of the Kerala school has not been acknowledged - a prime reason is neglect of scientific ideas emanating from the Non-European world - a legacy of European colonialism and beyond.

“But there is also little knowledge of the medieval form of the local language of Kerala, Malayalam, in which some of most seminal texts, such as the Yuktibhasa, from much of the documentation of this remarkable mathematics is written.

He added: “For some unfathomable reasons, the standard of evidence required to claim transmission of knowledge from East to West is greater than the standard of evidence required to knowledge from West to East.

“Certainly it’s hard to imagine that the West would abandon a 500-year-old tradition of importing knowledge and books from India and the Islamic world.

“But we’ve found evidence which goes far beyond that: for example, there was plenty of opportunity to collect the information as European Jesuits were present in the area at that time.

“They were learned with a strong background in maths and were well versed in the local languages.

“And there was strong motivation: Pope Gregory XIII set up a committee to look into modernising the Julian calendar.

“On the committee was the German Jesuit astronomer/mathematician Clavius who repeatedly requested information on how people constructed calendars in other parts of the world. The Kerala School was undoubtedly a leading light in this area.

“Similarly there was a rising need for better navigational methods including keeping accurate time on voyages of exploration and large prizes were offered to mathematicians who specialised in astronomy.

“Again, there were many such requests for information across the world from leading Jesuit researchers in Europe. Kerala mathematicians were hugely skilled in this area.”

Saturday, February 2, 2008

White Hole - Did I say them in 1998/99 - you decide

It is a very amusing and satisfying story for me. In 1998-1999 I was amusing myself with all the NOVA shows on Space , Special Relativity, General Relativity, Gravity, Black Hole, Big Bang Theory and so on.

What was left unexplained to me in IIT, where I believe we only learnt to cram things without getting many fundamental concepts cleared, it was for me a time to do the catch up, specially after being away from school and books since 1982.

I was using my own musings, and like a " little rat" trying to follow the foot-steps of "giant mountain figure" called Einstein, doing my own mind experiments. I know to bring his name and the comparing my "mind experiments" to his, is tantamounting to me conducting blesphemy but I was trying sincerely to understand his stuff which went over my brain in the college days.

So I came up with this conclusion that the end of "black" hole was the beginning of a "big bang" or what is now called a "white hole".

Then in 2002 I heard that some NASA scientist came up with the same theory and for last 2 months, I have seen TV Shows talking about Parallel Universes, Time Travel, and White Hole with what I have had concluded in 1997/1998.

Here is the URL

As obvious, I was shut up by some expert.

Now watch or rather hear these videos.