Sunday, October 9, 2011

Predicting Neutrinos Are Majorana Particle

In my analysis based on my works on Electrons and Positrons, Neutrinos are their own Anti-Neutrinos: they are their own Anti Particle, with spin of h/2.

This would be a 3rd test of my hypothesis. First two that have come true are: (1) Electron Spin is not a QM Spin and linked with Spin of Proton like in CP, and (2) Speed of surface of photon, weaving an electron or positron, would exceed the speed of light, as the space itself goes through the effect akin to LASER, but here the "amplification" is in the moving medium of Space and the speed of photon gets the boost.

I want to qualify this by what I mean. The "Etheral Space" or the Science "Dark Energy" field is pointing outward or inward in case of Neuotrino and its Anti Particle. For Electron, the "Electric" field was pointing outward and for the Positron, the "Electric" field was pointing inward but we were able to detect it. But in case of Neutrino, we are in the Space of many fields, including super imposed Etheral Space, to detect the Neutrinos and Antineutrinos seperately would be impossible - unless at high energy we have some good sensors. So we would always sense the "bubbling" Neutrino coming Space out, but never the "sinking" Anti Neutrino. In this sense we would conclude that Neutrino is their own Anti Particle.